Do thug Kyle Macaulay taispeántas do mhuintir Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh ar an 17ú Feabhra ar learscáil nua idirghníomach de cheol na háite. Déanann an learscáil seo achoimre ar an réimse leathain foinsí atá bainteach le stór ceoil na háite. Cuireann sé an obair cuimsitheach seo i láthair ar shuíomh insroichte a thugann deiseanna do dhaoine tuilleadh taighde a dhéanamh ar an ábhar.
Cuireann an léarscáil seo na bailte fearainn agus na ceoltóirí in iúl a chuir le saibhreas an cheoil i gCiarraí Thiar. Is léir go bhfuil fíor thabhacht bainteach idir duine agus áit nuair a mhúnlaítear ceantar ceoil.
Ar an léarscáil seo, tugtar ualach eolais: ainm an bhaile fearainn, an ceoltóir atá bainteach leis an bport, eolas fén bport féin, nascanna breise agus sampla den bpíosa, seinnte ar an gconsairtín ag Nicole Ní Dhubhshláine ón nGráig. Tugann Nicole guth chomhaimseartha don stór ceoil seo agus na poirt foghlamtha aici ón nglúin roimpi.
Scéim piolóta gurb ea an tógra seo. Tá súil againn gur féidir le muintir an dúthaigh cuir leis amach ansa. Beidh sé ar fail do dhaoine óga agus iad ag fiosrú de cheol na háite, tugann sé achoimhre ar cheol na háite do dhaoine le suim sa chultúr agus san oidhreacht agus beidh muintir na háite in ann cuir leis an eolas agus an ceol atá ar fail chun learscáil níos doimhne a chruthú.
Tá an léarscáil ar fáíl saor in aisce ansa:
Ár mbuíochas le foireann Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh as ucht an cuireadh a thabhairt dúinn, le Niamh Ní Bhaoill agus Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich, Dómhnall Ó Bric a mhaisigh an léarscáil agus le Nicole Ní Dhubhshláine as a cuid cheoil a roinnt linn.
ITMA Executive Assistant Kyle Macaulay travelled to Corca Dhuibhne on the 17th February to present a new interactive map to an engaged audience at Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh. This map gives an overview of the significant musical collections and recordings from the area. It draws from the extensive work carried out by local collectors and musicians and presents the information in an accessible format, with additional links that allow the user to research more deeply.
The map highlights a selection of the bailte fearainn (townlands) and the musicians that have contributed to the rich tapestry of music in the area, signifying the importance of both place and person in shaping the musical landscape.
Each interactive area provides the user with the name of the townland, the associated performer, some information about the tune, the performer and the source material, supplementary links and a short clip of local concertina and flute player Nicole Ní Dhubhshláine performing the tune. Through Nicole, these historical collections are voiced by a contemporary performer who has inherited the music of her area.
This map was designed as a pilot project to explore the potential for mapping music from a specific locality. It is hoped that this initial launch can inspire further research and contributions to the project. It has potential to engage younger people with the music of their local area, ignite new and renewed interest in traditional music from the local community and seek additional information about musicians and their music from local experts.
The map is freely available to view here:
ITMA would like to thank Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh for their invite to the festival, Niamh Ní Bhaoill, Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich, Domhnall Ó Bric who designed the image and Nicole Ní Dhubhshláine for her valuable contribution to the project.