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Leslie Shepard Irish Ballad Sheets, 1800s–1900s

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The jacket green

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The jacket green

Joe in the copper. Katty Mooney

John O'Dwyer - a - glana

The jolly rake of all trades

Kelly the deserter. Squire and thrasher

Kerry eagle. Kick'd out of home

Kill or cure. Paddy Connor's wedding

Kitty Wells. Maggie's secret. The Paddy mouse. I was despised for being poor

Lamentation on the dreadful robbery & murder of the Widow Ryan & child

The land of old Erin. The star of Glengarry. The Moorish maid : A very favorite song, sung at all the London concerts

Lannigan's ball

Lannigan's ball. Rolling down Wapping

Let a woman have her way. Pat McCarthy

Lines written on the barley corn

Lines written on the illiberation [sic] of the clergy

Lines advocating the release of the Irish prisoners. The bard of Armagh

The little shamrock green. The rakish young fellow

Lines on the expected testimonial of His Grace the late much lammented [sic] Most Rev'd Doctor O'Connor Bishop of Saldis / by Joseph Sadler